A Kung Fu Master Cosmo Zimik will arrive in India from the US on August 8 and release a documentary film in Mumbai

Mumbai (India): A Kung Fu Master Cosmo Zimik will arrive in India from the USA on August 8, 2022 and release the documentary film ‘Life of A Dojo Master’ with Chitah Yajnesh Shetty in Mumbai, which will be sent to several film festivals and will be released on all digital platforms. It’s based on the life of Master Cosmo Zimik, a man born in the remote region of Northwest India, who made his way to the USA over twenty years ago. Master Cosmo Zimik started his martial arts career in Manipur, Northeast India, and has traveled the world teaching and training others. He currently resides in Idaho, USA where his dojo, Empty Hand Combat, teaches Burmese Thaing Bando to at-risk youth, youth, and young adults to become martial artists. He trains them to become warriors and helps the community. Chitah Yajnesh Shetty, founder of Chitah Jeet Kune Do Global Sports Federation, also conferred an 8th-degree black belt to Master Cosmo Zimik.

Master Cosmo Zimik has trained over 5000 kids and over 2000 have been under privileged kids and ‘At Risk Youth’ in Nampa, Idaho USA. The youth come from various backgrounds and some of these kids are homeless, staying in a homeless shelter with their moms. Their father is gone from their lives. Some kids have parents who are drug addicts and have left them to be raised by grandparents. Some are orphans who are looking for hope in life. He trains them in martial arts and gives them Free Uniforms, Boxing Gloves, and basic needs including shoes and clothing. He also helps them overcome life’s hardship and their real-life struggles (including anxiety and depression), by counseling and pointing them in the right direction through Martial Arts.
Master Cosmo Zimik also received an award from the Mayor of Nampa City for ‘Making a Difference”, from the Elk Lodge for ‘Citizen of the Year 2022’ USA, and Idaho Channel 7 (NBC) Heroes for outstanding work in the community. He is the founder of Martial Arts Sports ministry, Athletes in Action (India) in 1995, Chief Instructor and Owner of Empty Hand Combat International LLC, Co-founder of Hong Kong Gospel Martial Arts 1999, 1st place in Power breaking at the 2003 Battle of LA (National Martial arts championship), Khru (Instructor) Muay Thai – Muay Thai Mission since 2009, 6th Degree Black Belt in Burmese Thaing Bando Martial Arts, 7th Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo, International Technical Advisor – Chitah Jeet Kun Do, International Advisor Board Member – World Martial Arts School Federations.
Quote from Master Cosmo :
“Talk is Cheap, Do Something.” – Master Cosmo Zimik