The University of Manchester invites applications for MSc Renewable Energy and Clean Technology through Fateh Education

May 3rd, 2023: The University of Manchester is inviting applications for the MSc in Renewable Energy and Clean Technology (REaCT) for the 2023 intake. The programme focuses on a detailed understanding of the key renewable energy generation technologies and the factors which influence their exploitation. It provides the foundations necessary to understand the principles of solar, wind and marine energy technologies and also the knowledge required to understand: the efficient distribution of renewables; their integration into usage into zero carbon-built infrastructure and to determine the economic and climate issues affecting the choice of renewable.
The programme is accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and aligns with 5 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Students can benefit from the university’s flagship facilities which include the High Voltage Lab and the Photon Science Institute.
After completing the multidisciplinary programme, students will become highly employable in an area of technology which will be of dominant importance in this century. The course will provide them with all the necessary skills required if to continue to study for a PhD and contribute their ideas to advance these key technologies.
Speaking about the programme and its appeal to the Indian students, the CEO of Fateh Education Mr Suneet Singh Kochar said, “MSc Renewable Energy and Clean Technology by The University of Manchester is transforming the way students study, research and shape the world forever. In order to achieve the goal of being Carbon Neutral by 2050, such pathbreaking courses are key for the newer generation to be baton bearers of the Sustainable future.”
Program Date and Delivery:Applications must be submitted by 31st July 2023.
Duration: 12 months (Full-Time)
Entry Requirement:
· An Upper Second-Class Honours degree (2:1) or international equivalent in any of the following: electrical and electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, engineering, physics, or equivalent scientific discipline which includes a significant mathematical and engineering content. Applicants will be considered with alternative qualifications who also have appropriate industrial experience.
· While assessing the student’s academic record, his/her grade average with particular emphasis on relevant course units and the standing of the institution where he/she had the qualification.
· All applicants to the University (from the UK and Overseas) are required to show evidence of English Language proficiency.
Tuition: Approximately£33,500 per annum.
Application process and admission details: Students shall approach Fateh Education ( for guidance on the admission process and submission of applications within the deadline.
Contact Details for admissions query:
Fateh Education: Neha Bhatia
Email: | 9711154647