ASSOCHAM successfully organizes session on ‘Impact of Pandemic on Private Equity’ with government and industry leaders

New Delhi, 26th August, 2020: ASSOCHAM today organised a power packed and focussed web conference on the subject ‘Impact of Pandemic on Private Equity’as the country fights the challenge of the on-going COVID19 pandemic and discussions focussed on issues like Challenges, Government Initiatives and Policies for Private Equity, Opportunities and Way Forward & Key Focus Sectors. ASSOCHAM will be submitting the set of recommendations Private Equity’s new business normal and drive transformation for companies to the concerned Ministries.
Key speakers and attendees to the conference included Mr. Sanjay Jain Director, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, Mr. C. Shankaranarayanan, Director (FDI), Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, Mr.Shivendra Tomar, Managing Director, IFCI Venture Capital Funds Limited, Mr. Karan Mohla, Partner Chiratae Ventures India Advisors, Mr. Jinesh Shah Managing Partner Omnivore, Mr. Rahul Bhasin, Managing Partner, Baring Private Equity Partners India, Mr. Ashish Kotecha, Managing Director, Bain Capital Advisors India Pvt. Ltd, Mr. Prashant Saran Senior Consultant, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co., Former Member, Security & Exchange Board of India, Mr. Prashant Kumar, Managing Director, KKR India, Ms. Kalpana Jain, Partner, Deloitte and Mr. Vikram Gupta, Founder & Managing Partner IvyCap Ventures Advisors Private Limited.
Discussions also highlighted about some good opportunities arising out of the whole pandemic situation in sectors like agri-finance and logistics. Panellists also shared their understanding on what the key focus sectors should be and the way forward for the private equity sector and the nation in general. The issues and way forward highlighted in the webinar would is expected to9 serve as a good input to the government as it looks to formulate plans and set in place policies to navigate its way through the pandemic and its effects.
Talking about the need for effective and urgent policy measures to drive business continuity beyond the lockdown and also strategic structural reforms to convert the domestic resources into opportunities, Mr. Shivendra Tomar, Managing Director, IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd, said, “The COVID-19 global pandemic is forcing organizations everywhere to confront challenges never before considered – and private equity firms are no exception. This is almost certain to bring challenges for privet equity and M&A. The government has taken many correct decisions in this crucial time; MSMEs is one of the big announcements made by the government this year. India remains an attractive nation for investments.”
Mr. Prashant Saran – Senior Consultant Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co. and former member SEBI said, “Private Equity funds are now expected to focus on sectoral themes with pharmaceuticals, technology, digital, and healthcare expected to drive interest whereas the revival of sectors such as financial services, real estate, and non-essential consumer goods and services may take some time. It will remain difficult to form an investment thesis for sectors such as aviation, travel, tourism, and hospitality. PE funds will need to respond swiftly and strategically to the new business normal and drive transformation for companies.”
I strongly feel that the Government has responded well to the situation, he added.